
Everyone Struggles with Something

Everyone Struggles with Something

When you walk down the street you may see someone and think, wow they have it good! Or when you are scrolling through Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram and everyone looks like their life is perfect, you might think you are missing out on something. On the outside it may look that way, but everyone struggles with something throughout their life. Unless you are good friends or a relative with this person, you may not know they are struggling and you may be quick to judge them or envy their life.

If you were to break up your life into categories most people can relate to, these areas might be: social (family & friends), financial, career, spiritual, leisure/ hobbies, and health.

Of the people I have met over the years, most usually do well in a couple of areas.  For some it’s financial and career, for others it’s social/family and spirituality. Still, from my experience there are always one or two areas in a person’s life that they struggle with for one reason or another.

I am no exception to this rule. In many aspects of my life, I have been very blessed. I have traveled to several countries, have done well financially,  am educated, am in good health, and  have built a solid set of job skills. But one area of my life that I have struggled with is social/family.  I am forty, single (never married), and have no children; two things that I desire deeply.  You might say, you just pick a person and get married, but for me it’s not that easy. I have dated men and have come close to getting married, but I never felt the person I was dating could be someone I could live with for the rest of my life.